When you are ready to make improvements on your home, it can be very exciting. A new space within your space brings alive ideas on new decor, new furniture, and new activities. Whether you are getting a new kitchen, a new bedroom, or a new family room, here are the different types of extensions you can get in your home when you are ready for a remodel.

Kitchen Extension

A kitchen extension is usually a rear extension, meaning, you will be adding to the back of your home where most kitchens are located. The purpose of having one of these extensions is to give your kitchen more space and to modernise it as an open plan kitchen.

The kitchen is the most technologically advanced room in your home. Kitchen extension ideas for this room give you a new, smart fridge, new appliances like dishwashers or wine fridges, and adding an island can give you more room to cook and add modern conveniences like mixers, microwaves, and coffee machines. You may also consider a kitchen diner extension.

Bathroom Extension

A bathroom extension can also be a rear extension, but it can also be a second level extension. Like the kitchen, a lot of time is spent in the bathroom, and the more comfortable the better. Bathroom extensions allow for bigger tubs, standing showers, vanities, and more privacy with the toilet.

Some bathrooms on the bottom floor can be extended if they are located underneath the upper storey bathroom leading to a two-storey extension.

Living Room Extension

A living room extension is typically a side extension. For most homes, the living room is located in the front of the home, so many people won’t extend out into the front, but rather, off to the side.

Living room extensions are typically for more room. They can also be wrap around extensions if you have that space and layout. Smaller homes that have a lot of land see this extension most often. This remodel allows for families to have bigger furniture, bigger TVs, and more space to entertain, spread out, and maybe add a fireplace. It gives everyone a bit more room to breathe.

Bedroom Extension

A bedroom extension is typically a second storey extension that makes an ordinary bedroom a primary bedroom with an en suite bathroom and bigger closets. When your bedroom becomes bigger, you can fit a bigger bed, have more space to move around the room, and feel more comfortable while you sleep.

A bedroom extension can go over the existing first floor as an over-structure extension if the first floor is bigger than the top floor. If you want to do a double storey extension, you can make the room underneath just as big as your bedroom. This is a way to make kitchens and living rooms bigger while you make your bedroom bigger.

Contact Us Today

Contact Oaklands today at 0116 2772 252 or email us at info@oakland-leicester.co.uk to start your journey in building your home extensions. We have the expert builders and designers to take your idea and make them a reality. Give yourself some space, and call us today.